Loughborough Labour Party members
Loughborough Labour Party members

Loughborough Constituency Labour Party (CLP)

Loughborough CLP is a hub of activity and community organising. The CLP is your local Labour Party based within your constituency boundary. Members hold regular social events and work together to campaign for Labour. The CLP Women’s Forum organises a range of activities, and provides support for women from all backgrounds interested in progressing from being a member to activist and leader.

Loughborough CLP holds a General Committee Meeting on a Friday evening every other month, which all members are welcome to attend. As a member, via the CLP, you can choose the members from our area to represent you at Annual Conference and you can help select our parliamentary candidate.

Branch Labour Party (BLP)

Loughborough CLP has smaller units called branches. Branches get to choose the local council candidates to represent your area. Branch meeting are held regularly, all members within the branch are welcome. Members are currently selecting candidates for the 2019 Charnwood Borough Council Elections.

Just get in touch if you’d like to know more about the CLP or your local branch.

Whether you are a member or not you can get involved, like thousands of other people around the country.

Ever felt that you would like to help then please contact us! Perhaps you could deliver some leaflets, help out at fund raising events, do some admin work, or canvas voters as a team?  We’re always looking for practical help at our HQ, Unity House.

Let us know what you are happy to do, and we’ll be back in touch.

The Women
The Women's Quilt Event at Unity House
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